Hello, after a long long time. A new outfit, finally. Last few weeks have been busy and tiresome. These pics have been shot a couple of weeks ago. The news are that i cut my hair, i really really like the asymmetric look. What do you think?
I found some time to go shopping too. These are my new babies, they are super comfy and soft. I practically wear them every day.
Cropped tee: old zara thrifted - self made, shoes: , shades: toi&moi |
The cropped tee i' m wearing is self thrifted. It used to be an old, long shirt, worn out that needed an immediate renewal. I cut it out using an exacto knife in a moment of inspiration. It was super easy, i totally recommend trying this at home. Just be careful not to cut any fingers, cause the exacto knife is sharp. Make sure the surface you are working on is scratch resistant. I, myself, used a kitchen cutting board.
η λεπτομέρεια, το φιογκάκι με ξετρέλανε!καλώς σε βρήκα και εγώ!